
Posts tagged ‘Kampus II UMM’


University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was founded in 1964 on the initiative of figures and leaders of Regional Head of Malang.
At that time, UMM is a branch of University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, which was established by the Foundation of Higher Education Muhammadiyah Jakarta by the Deed of Notary R. Sihojo Wongsowidjojo in Jakarta No.71 on June 19, 1963 by Gouvernement Besluit No. 81 on August 22, 1914.

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang had 3 (three) faculties: (1) Faculty of Economics (2) Faculty of Law, and (3) Faculty of Education and Teaching (FPP) on the Department of Religious Education.
These three faculties were labeled as registered faculties, which were granted by the Department of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education in 1966 by Decree No. 68/B-Swt/p/1966 on December 30, 1966.

 On July 1, 1968 University of Muhammadiyah Malang officially became an independent university (apart from Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta) which activities were in the hands of Malang Foundation of Higher Education, by the Notary of R. Sudiono, No. 2 on July 1, 1968.
In the next development of this certificate it was amended by the Notary of G. Kamarudzaman No.7 on June 6, 1975, and then amended again by the Notary of Kumalasari, SH No.026 November 24, 1988 and it was registered at the state Court of Malang No. 88/PP/YYS/XI/1988 on November 28, 1988.

In 1968, Muhammadiyah University of Malang added new faculty, Faculty of Social Welfare which was the Filial of the Faculty of Social Welfare University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta.
This meant the University of Muhammadiyah Malang now had four faculties.
In addition, the Faculty of Education and Teaching on Religious Education Programs enrolled as the Faculty of Religious Affairs within the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs with the name of the Faculty of Tarbiyah.

 In 1970, the Faculty of Tarbiyah gained equal status with the State Islamic University of Malang (IAIN) by the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 50 at 1970.
In this year, the Faculty of Social Welfare also changed its name into the Faculty of Social Sciences with the Department of Social Welfare.
Then, in 1975, this Faculty officially stood alone (separated from the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta) by the Decree No. 022 A/1/1975 Registered on April 16, 1975.

Later on, the Faculty which was opened in 1978 named as the Academy of Malang Engineering on Engineering Faculty.
It was also followed by the reactivation of Economics Faculty with Bachelor of Education program called the Academy of Accounting Muhammadiyah (AAM).
In 1980, opened the Faculty of Agriculture with Agriculture Studies Program which was followed by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry in 1987. Between 1983 and 2008 UMM opened many new faculties and study programs.
Those were the Faculty of Medicine which opened in 2001 and the Faculty of Health Sciences began in 2007 with the founding of Nursing Diploma course in 1993.
Other study programs which opened were: the Doctor of Education, International Relations, Informatics and Engineering, Pharmacy, Nursing and Education of PGSD Study Program.
In 1993 the University of Muhammadiyah Malang opened the Post Graduate Program on Master of Management Studies and Masters in Rural Sociology.
In 1996 UMM opened the Post Graduate Program on Master of Islamic Religion, and in 2004, UMM added three (3) Study Programs on the Master of Agribusiness, Master in Policy and Development Education, and Master of Legal Studies, and then in 2006 UMM also opened Masters in Psychology.
In 2007 UMM opened the Doctoral Program on Social and Political Sciences.

 Until this academic year 2009/2010, UMM have 12 faculties with:

§ 32 programs (S1)

§ 7 masters degree (S2)

§ 1 doctoral program (S3)

§ 3 diploma programs (D3)

§ 4 profession programs.

Throughout the forty-five-years of  the UMM journey (1964-2009) the most rapid growth began in 1983’s.
From that moment onwards UMM recorded very impressive growth, both in the field of improving the status of the department, the administrative reform, the addition of facilities, and campus facilities, as well as adding and improving the quality of the managers (administrative and academic).


In the development of physical facilities and academic facilities, now available 3 campuses:
Campus I: Jl. Bandung No. 1 Malang 65113, Tel. (0341) 551253 Fax. (0341) 562124
Campus II: Jl. Dam Sutami No. A 65 145 188 Malang Telp. (0341) 551149, 552443 Fax. (0341) 582060
Campus III: Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang 65144, Tel. (0341) 463513, 464318-319 Fax. (0341) 460782